Adultery isn’t simply an issue experienced by the young and newly married. Even after years or decades of wedded bliss, there’s always the possibility that an affair could rear its ugly head. Here’s a classic song about cheating, courtesy of Lead Belly.
Typically, people think of older men as more likely to cheat on their spouse, if they can find a beautiful young woman, but more statistics have been coming out that supports the idea of the cheating cougar, an older woman who takes on another lover when her husband just doesn’t have the time or energy.
According to statistics published in this article by British news source Mail Online, in Britain, one in 12 women who are married have had a relationship, although not necessarily an affair, with a man 15 years younger than her. However, 57 percent of British men who responded to the survey said admitted to engaging in an affair with a married woman.
There’s plenty of speculation as to why younger men are so appealing to the cougar class of women. As women increase in age, their sexual proclivities don’t disappear as quickly as a man’s does when he ages. A wife who can’t get satisfaction out of her husband may be tempted to look elsewhere if need be. Sometimes, they see a younger mate as the only option that can keep up with their needs.
Even if you may be suspicious of your spouse and the possibility that they might be cheating, it can be difficult to commit to a course of action. Obviously, no one wants to think the worst of the person that he married. But there are telltale signs that can help you make up your mind. Maybe they’ve started locking their cell phone suddenly, or making sure they know where you are at all times to avoid you spotting an infidelity. Or perhaps they start being unable to account for periods of time when you were trying to reach them.
Spouting wild accusations without facts will only hurt your relationship, which obviously needs to heal anyways if there’s been cheating. Let a professional investigative service like Shadow Investigations look into the affair for you. With our surveillance practices and technology, we can quickly and legally confirm your suspicions so that you can move forward in the best way possible.
*Video courtesy of boblyblitzbob
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